I'm watching these shows from Night Train! and The Beat!!! for the first time, and its mesmerising to see great artists who I've heard on my speakers since I was small, up on the screen. If only we'd had shows like these in the UK, Craig David would never have existed...
I'm going to keep posting some more of this stuff!
Today on the show, we get a call from The Avons. Not the Bobby Byrd and James Brown group, later to become the Famous Flames. Nor the Suffolk/Jersey duo from Blighty's swinging 60s. Instead a female group who met at Pearl High School in Nashville, who recorded the song Tell Me Baby at Sound Stage 7 and Since I Met You Baby on Excello. Paula Hester, Beverley Bard and Fran Bard were managed by Bob Holmes, who also wrote and produced their songs. In the UK, the single was released as by The Novas, so as not to confuse with the British group. On todays clip from Night Train! in 1966, The Avons sing Everybody Loves A Lover. A happy song, catchy and upbeat.

Watch The Avons on Night Train!
Thanks to innercalm for posting so many great clips from Night Train! and The Beat!!! He is also posting some more info about some of the the clips on the Soul Source forums (under Pete-S) Why not also visit his website at Planet Records! A record dealer who loves soul AND the VU is all right by me!
22.10.06: This post was edited to add a little more information :)
I was intending to put this in the post itself, but thought better of it...
Sometimes, when I listen to the trumpeter in this track, I start humming 'Little Spanish Fly' by Tijuana Brass. Is that wierd?
This is absolutely great! Gosh, all that energy and enthusiasm! I think that's what missing most in the more recent music.
Please!!! Could we have more of it?
Hi Inge,
Pete S is positing a few more clips, and he is expecting some more shows soon. Check out the link for 'innercalm' at the bottom of the post, it will take you to YouTube.
I'll post about some more over the weekend.
Great looking blog, Rob. Thanks for visiting my Journal.
Thank you, Captain. It is an honour to receive a distinguished guest from Star Fleet.
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