Go here to read the first part of the tour and hear
Bishop School. Visit
Belle Isle here. See the sights of
Woodward Avenue here.
"Every Saturday the Eastern Market. Farmer's holiday! Fresh eggs, poultry, fresh vegetables, fruit, fruit, honey, and apple cider - happy faces, fat arms loaded with shopping bags. The joy of an occasional balloon. POP! SHOCK!! Thrill gone. Sound minds, healthy bodies..."Saeeda Lateef, Yusef Lateef's Detroit, 1969 

Here are some photos of the Eastern Market as it is today, taken for a site called the
Hamtramck News, which posts information on local issues in Hamtramck and East Detroit. It seems that the market as it stands may be under threat, as the city consider neighbourhood regeneration projects. If you know about how things are going in the area, please post comments. What is it like?
Yusef Lateef's Detroit (Atlantic SD1525) 1969
There used to be three other large farm markets in detroit and the Eastern Market is the last in operation. (http://www.easternmarket.org/) It's a series of public outdoor pavilions surrounded by old wholesale and retail buildings. There's slaughterhouses and cold storage everywhere.
They've been in operation for 160 years. Saturday is the big day for public. While it's open year-round, this time of year is the busiest.
There is talk of "improving" the market, trying to make it an every day thing and fix up the outdoor areas. While I don't think they'll have much success, I don't think they'll do any harm either. The Eastern Market is a Detroit institution.
There are some high-priced "loft" developments going in but they're mostly in buildings that haven't been used for years.
If you're ever in Detroit on a Saturday, it's worth a look.
More photos here:
Thanks, Steven, for the info on the Eastern Market. Maybe one day I will get to see Hamtramck for myself...
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